Higher order component for class based React applications. The withIdleTimer
HOC takes IIdleTimerProps as configuration options and exposes
IIdleTimer as props to the wrapped component.
import { withIdleTimer } from 'react-idle-timer'
There are a few ways to use the higher order component, but at its core, component
passed into withIdleTimer
is enhanced and enriched with the IIdleTimer interface.
The most common use cases are outlined below.
IdleTimer Component#
The first way is to create your own IdleTimer component and use it just like the v4 component.
Create the IdleTimer
import { Component } from 'react'import { withIdleTimer } from 'react-idle-timer'class IdleTimerComponent extends Component {render () {return this.props.children}}export const IdleTimer = withIdleTimer(IdleTimerComponent)
Use the IdleTimer
import { Component } from 'react'import { IdleTimer } from './IdleTimer'export class App {constructor (props) {super(props)this.idleTimer = nullthis.onPrompt = this.onPrompt.bind(this)this.onIdle = this.onIdle.bind(this)this.onAction = this.onAction.bind(this)this.onActive = this.onActive.bind(this)}onPrompt () {// Fire a Modal Prompt}onIdle () {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some idle action like log out your user}onActive (event) {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some active action}onAction (event) {// Do something when a user triggers a watched event}componentDidMount () {// IIdleTimer interface available on the reference to// the IdleTimer component instancethis.idleTimer.start()}render () {return (<><IdleTimerref={ref => { this.idleTimer = ref }}timeout={1000 * 60 * 15}promptTimeout={1000 * 30}onPrompt={this.onPrompt}onIdle={this.onIdle}onAction={this.onAction}onActive={this.onActive}startManually/><HomePage /></>)}}
IdleTimer Injector#
A better way would be to use the higher order component to inject IdleTimer
to your component. The event callbacks can be defined in your component scope and
all the rest of the properties can be passed to your component. If a callback
prop is passed to the component it will take precedence over the locally defined
callback method.
Create the IdleTimer
wrapped component.
import { Component } from 'react'import { withIdleTimer } from 'react-idle-timer'class AppComponent extends Component {onPrompt () {// Fire a Modal Prompt}onIdle () {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some idle action like log out your user}onActive (event) {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some active action}onAction (event) {// Do something when a user triggers a watched event}componentDidMount () {// The IIdleTimer interface is supplied via props to your componentthis.props.start()}render () {return <HomePage />}}export const App = withIdleTimer(AppComponent)
Use the wrapped IdleTimer
import { render } from 'react-dom'import { App } from './App'const element = document.getElementById('root')render((<Apptimeout={1000 * 60 * 15}promptTimeout={1000 * 30}startManually/>), element)
The wrapped component can also be instantiated deeper in the project hierarchy.
This would allow you to dynamically supply and update the IIdleTimerProps
interface to the IdleTimer
import { Component } from 'react'import { App } from './App'export class Root extends Component {constructor (props) {super(props)this.state = {timeout: 1000 * 60 * 15,promptTimeout: 1000 * 30}}render () {return (<Apptimeout={this.state.timeout}promptTimeout={this.state.promptTimeout}startManually/>)}}
You can preserve your typescript types by utilizing withIdleTimer
's generics.
Just make sure your props interface extends IIdleTimer.
import { Component, ReactNode } from 'react'import { withIdleTimer, IIdleTimer } from 'react-idle-timer'interface IAppProps extends IIdleTimer {foo: string}interface IAppState {bar: string}class AppComponent extends Component<IAppProps, IAppState> {onPrompt (): void {// Fire a Modal Prompt}onIdle (): void {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some idle action like log out your user}onActive (event: Event): void {// Close Modal Prompt// Do some active action}onAction (event: Event): void {// Do something when a user triggers a watched event}componentDidMount (): void {// The IIdleTimer interface is supplied via props to your componentthis.props.start()}render (): ReactNode {return (<h1>{this.props.foo}</h1>)}}export const IdleTimer = withIdleTimer<IAppProps>(AppComponent)
Else where in your app, render the typescript component. Your custom props will be merged with the IIdleTimer interface.
import { Component, ReactNode } from 'react'import { render } from 'react-dom'import { App } from './App'class Root extends Component<{}, {}> {render (): ReactNode {<Appfoo='bar'timeout={1000 * 60 * 15}promptTimeout={1000 * 30}/>}}const element = document.getElementById('root')render(<Root />, element)
For more examples, see the Features section.